Two commercial experts on the roof doing repairs
July 17, 2024

Commercial Roof Maintenance Best Practices

A commercial roofing system is a complex structure designed to evenly distribute weight while holding a lot of other equipment and structures, including HVAC systems, ventilation systems, and more. A commercial building’s roof is a critical component that requires regular commercial roof maintenance to ensure its longevity and functionality. However, not all building owners understand this, and often, commercial roofing needs go unchecked. This can prove to be a costly and dangerous oversight.

Proper maintenance not only extends the life of the roof but also helps to avoid costly repairs and potential disruptions to business operations. As you read on, you’ll discover the best practices for commercial roof maintenance that help property owners and facility managers like you keep their roofs in optimal condition. After all, investing in your commercial property’s roof is one of the best ways to protect your real estate.

Regular Inspections

The best commercial roof maintenance plans come with regular inspections done by a professional. How often you have these done is up to you, but is often based on the age of your commercial roof, your budget, and other factors. Regular inspections are crucial for identifying potential issues with the roof before they escalate into major problems, and often, regular inspections uncover issues you may not have known existed.

Inspections should always be conducted by qualified professionals who can assess the condition of the roof while identifying any signs of damage or deterioration. They should be able to make recommendations for necessary repairs or maintenance. Inspections should ideally be performed at least a few times a year, in the spring and fall preferably. They should also be performed after severe weather events such as storms or heavy rainfall, even if you don’t detect any after-storm damage.

Clearing Debris

While a little dust and moss buildup here and there won’t harm a building’s overall integrity, major amounts of debris will. Debris such as leaves, branches, and other organic material can accumulate on a flat commercial roof and in its gutters, causing drainage issues and potential damage to the roof membrane. Regularly clearing debris from the roof and gutters is essential to prevent water pooling and to maintain proper drainage. This will help to avoid structural damage and leaks that can result from standing water on the roof. It’s also essential for preserving the curb appeal of your building, as standing water stains, dirt, animal debris, and moss or mold buildup can be an eyesore and present your commercial building in the wrong light to passersby.

Note that while clearing debris may seem like an easy maintenance task you could do yourself, don’t attempt to DIY this essential roofing need. You could end up harming yourself or your roofing structure, causing more costly damage in the process. Have your professional roofing company clear debris for you as part of your commercial roofing maintenance plan. This may mean that you have to have debris clearing done several times a year, but the roof preservation is worth the investment and time.

Repairing Leaks

Promptly addressing roof leaks is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to preserve your commercial roof. Since your roof is expansive and covers lots of square footage, it can be easy for a smaller leak to go undetected. Watch for signs of a roof leak, which can include a musty or foul odor coming from your attic areas or ceilings, brown or tan spots in ceilings or along walls, areas of internal paneling that are dipping or bowed, or stagnant puddles gathering on top of your commercial roof.

Roof leaks can cause significant damage to a commercial building after even a short amount of time, causing issues like water damage to interior spaces, mold growth, and compromised structural integrity. It is crucial to address any signs of leaks promptly to prevent these issues from occurring. Any evidence of water infiltration, such as water stains on ceilings or walls, must be investigated and repaired by qualified roofing professionals. The sooner you can keep roof leaks at bay or treat them effectively, the more likely you can be to keep your original commercial roof and not have to pay for a costly replacement or renovation.

Preventive Maintenance

Implementing a preventive maintenance plan for the commercial roof is a proactive approach to preserving its integrity. This can include activities such as regular cleaning, sealant application, checking vents and other open rooftop areas (including chimneys and HVAC openings), and addressing minor issues before they escalate. Preventive maintenance can help to identify and address small problems before they become major, prolonging the life of the roof and minimizing the need for extensive repairs. The more you invest in maintaining your roof, the longer it will last, thus protecting your initial investment in your roof even more.

Roof Coating

A common factor in commercial roof maintenance is roof coating. Since a commercial roof is often flat in design, it doesn’t have the same overlapping shingles or wood shakes that a residential roof does, leaving the roof’s flat surface exposed in ways other roofs may not be. Applying a protective roof coating can be an effective way to extend the life of a commercial roof.

Roof coatings can also provide additional waterproofing, UV protection, and insulation, helping to improve the overall performance and durability of the roof. The type of coating used will depend on the specific roofing materials and the climate of the building’s location. It’s essential to keep your area’s weather conditions, including average rainfall and snowfall amounts as well as wind, in mind when choosing a roof coating for your commercial roofing system.

Educating Staff

If you were to look at your commercial roof, would you be able to tell if the structure was showing signs of wear and tear or other damages? Likely not, since commercial roofs are not pitched in design and are often far too expansive to notice smaller issues until they’re too large to ignore.

One way to ensure your roof stays in healthy condition and gets the timely maintenance it needs is to educate all staff members on signs of roof wear and tear. Ensuring that building staff are aware of the importance of roof maintenance and are trained to recognize potential issues is essential for proactive upkeep.

Staff should be educated on the signs of roof damage, such as leaks or compromised flashing, and instructed to report any concerns to facility managers or maintenance personnel.

Budgeting for Maintenance

It’s not always easy to find time and money to put towards your commercial roofing needs, but having a budget set aside (and a timeframe for having maintenance work done) is essential to protecting one of the most expensive parts of the building as a whole. Allocating a budget for regular roof maintenance is a critical aspect of responsible building management that cannot be ignored. By setting aside funds specifically for roof maintenance and repairs, property owners and facility managers can proactively address issues and avoid the potential for larger, more costly problems in the future — without putting massive dents in their available finances.

One way to budget for maintenance is to have a pre-set maintenance plan with your commercial roofing contractor, along with an expected cost for every maintenance service. This helps you know how much money to set aside monthly for these services. You may also inquire about a monthly payment plan or maintenance subscription for commercial roofing services if you are on a budget.

Hiring a Professional

Hiring a reputable and experienced roofing contractor, like J. Smucker Contracting, is crucial for maintaining a commercial roof. Professional contractors should be licensed and insured. They should also have the expertise and knowledge to perform thorough inspections, identify issues, and provide expert guidance on maintenance and repairs of commercial roofing systems. A residential roofer, for example, may not have the required skills or experience to work on a commercial roof. When selecting a roofing contractor, it is important to choose a company with a proven track record, appropriate certifications, and a commitment to quality workmanship. Always ask to view a company’s portfolio and get a contract in writing before paying any deposits for maintenance services.

Wrapping Up Your Commercial Roofing Needs

Proactive and regular maintenance is essential for preserving the integrity and performance of a commercial roof. By adhering to best practices such as regular inspections, debris clearance, prompt leak repair, preventive maintenance, and partnering with professional contractors, building owners, and facility managers like yourself can ensure that their commercial roofs provide long-lasting protection for their properties.

Investing in the care and upkeep of a commercial roof not only saves money in the long run but also helps to maintain a safe and functional building environment for tenants and occupants. The sooner you start applying commercial roof maintenance best practices, the sooner you’ll be taking action to protect your roof for years to come. Protect your roof investment and call the professionals in commercial roof maintenance, J. Smucker Contracting, in Allentown, PA today.

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